Rehoboth Beach Approves Proposal for Wayfinding Program
REHOBOTH BEACH, Del. – Those who live, work, and vacation in Rehoboth Beach may be closer to an easier and more appealing way of finding their way around town. Commissioners voted this week to accept a proposal for phases 1 and 2 of the Wayfinding signage program developed by Merje Design of West Chester, PA.
An amendment was made to the city’s 2020 budget to accommodate the program. Wayfinding will consist of signage to improve traffic flow and navigation through
“In the last 18 months or so we’ve been sitting down with Merje Design about the possibility of them coming in and creating a plan for Wayfinding,” says Mayor Paul Kuhns.
Kuhns says a lot of the city’s other signs will be taken down. He says some of the older signs can be somewhat confusing and that MERJE Design will put together a more consistent package of signs to make it easier to navigate the city.
The program is in the early planning stages. Kuhns hopes to start seeing Wayfinding in Rehoboth Beach by Memorial Day.
Mallory Metzner | WBOC Delmarva