New Signage for Downtown Westport, CT
Westport today got a first look at its new wayfinding signage at a presentation before the Downtown Plan Implementation Committee (DPIC).
Representatives from the Philadelphia-based design firm MERJE shared pictures of pedestrian, roadway and parking signs utilizing the town’s new rebranded colors and logo, which pend final approval.
“We’re really trying to stay true to the history of signs in Westport,” said Glen Swantak, principle with MERJE.
“I’ve met a number of times with downtown stakeholders … and incorporated their advice and recommendations,” said Selectman Melissa Kane, who chaired the DPIC’s wayfinding subcommittee.
At a joint meeting Tuesday night of the Architectural Review Board and Historical District Commission members offered final comments.
The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) will also be looking specifically at the interactive kiosks proposed for pedestrian use, Kane said.
“But everything is moving ahead,” she said, “which is great.”
“There are plenty of signs,” said Jess Church, senior designer, speaking about the town “but there is not a sign system.”
Church said they will be having discussions with the state Department of Transportation about improving the standard green directional signs to different towns, which cannot be changed as part of the project.
Church said that certain signs, including those with parking details, will have the capacity to be updated if information is changed.
“I think we’re all very much in favor of the final designs you’ve come up with,” said Dewey Loselle, DPIC chair.
Excerpts Jarret Liotta | Westportnow.com